Client: Asset Insurance

As part of the advertising strategy of customer, a project was implemented – to build a roof sign on one of the intersections with the most intense road and pedestrian traffic in the city of Sofia.

The advertising sign or the advertising logo, channel letters, illuminated letters, etc. with approximate dimensions 11x3m and therefore the angular location is visible from five intersecting beams at the intersection with direct visibility from the Skobelev blvd. and St. Patriarch Evtimii direction: Russian monument, Mall of Sofia, Macedonia Square..

The location is situated on the boulevard. Gen. Skobelev №41 on the corner of Boulevard. PragueFive Corners, near Vitosha blvd. And NPC.

If you are interested to build a roof sign and conditions of use of specific locations can email us at

Client: Audi

For the new model of the Audi Q7 series was realized a project “backlit” headlights of the vehicle on an ad format turbot in mega size (10x15m). For this purpose on the finished vision were built / installed 2 pieces lights, each with dimensions ~ 150/50 cm, using a combination of innovative materials and production technologies.

The result is a 100% identity with the original headlights series Q7, unusual day and night incredible effect.

Come and see for yourself NOW in the month of June 2015!

The location is Alexander Malinov bl. 31, entrance from Tsarigradsko Shosse towards Mladost.

Since June 2015 meshat BDB (Bulgarian Development Bank), located in the top center of Sofia, can be used for outdoor campaign.

Realized client campaigns so far: Coca-Cola, Globul, Ranault, Telenor

Upon request, on terms and conditions of the location and employment can email us at

Client: Jack Daniel’s

To Christmas campaign Jack Daniel’s a project was implemented in construction of digital installation turbot, where the people passing through location can share the Christmas spirit. Through open WiFi network, by “login” with your Facebook account, anyone can see his name appearing on the interactive display.

The idea for the project came from colleagues NEXT DC, where METROPOLIS was included in providing and preparing the location, as well as advicing on physical implementation and construction of the installation.

Client: Kamenitza

After the mega project with 17-foot bottle of Kamenitza, continuing the tradition with something less current - model-looking like 100% ken in MEGA sizes - ranging from the tab at the top of the cans, and moving to a brand new look with Cold Edge zones and distinctive elements of the brand logo. The luminous elements are panels on the technology that is used in the aerospace industry and constitute a film, which conducts electricity and is located in middlephosphoric space. As a result monitored beautiful and vibrant colors of backlited element. Lightweight and flexible, the panel is suitable carrier of image and allows animation for greater effect in the nighttime. For the realization of the project are used materials of the highest quality to withstand climate change. A team of professionals worked on the design and construction of the new structure, which is a fact since December 2014.

Client: Brand Frezco
For Christmas and New Eve's holidays it was implemented outdoor media campaign on TOP location in Sofia. For the purpose it was chosen the busiest pedestrian thoroughfare in the capital - Boulevard. Vitosha, in which daily pass tens of thousands of pedestrians and is considered a favorite place for walking, as in the summer, also in the winter months.

The campaign is still ongoing, as for the successful working a continuously monitoring is made in real time.

Client: Alexandra Group - film Interstellar /Interstellar/

For the Campaign of the popular film Interstellar a project was realized (creative and marketing Metropolis), construction / installation of unconventional element on Megaboard/turbot. The item was a special construction, which on evening when passing through the location, was creating an effect of movement in a three-dimensional space or a tunnel. He who was able to watch the movie, remembers the basic idea of parallel spaces and falling books.

Ice displays, reflecting the amount paid profits from early 2013 from Eurobet. There will be placed total number of 4 key locations on the territory of Sofia for a period of one year. The displays have built-in software that enables continuous updating of the displayed data.

Fitting and construction of the project team of professionals with extensive experience in the implementation of non-standard projects. Data is updated daily with the increasing amount of profits paid.

Scene of modern theater art The project was implemented by the idea and proposal of Metropolis to customer Avendi - J & B and designed to the smallest detail together with servicing agency Knoway. The scene is branded in the spirit of the campaign of J & B - Starting parties since 1749. Due to the fact that advertising and all kinds of exposing alcoholic brands is prohibited, we were able to validate the "Scene of modern theater art."

Every day between 17:30 and 20:30h on the stage go out promoters and dancers, and during the rest there are static mannequins. Living billboard will stand up to this Sunday - 25/11/2012, at Vitosha blvd., Then will be moved to Station University "ST. Kliment Ohridski" - the monument of the Soviet Army for another week.

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